Sofia Biriouk Personal Webpage



Recent work

Balancing School, Research, and Life March 28, 2023

Traveling back to my hometime is a bittersweet opportunity, but also requires complicated navigating. Questions from parents who I haven't seen in 2+ years, balancing homework, family time, and time with my partner and friends. How do I explain 2 years of my hardwork to a complete outsider?

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Embracing The Pain

Using Crafts and Time to navigate grief, March 28, 2023

This school year has been one of the hardest I've had to go through mentally and physically, How do I navigate the passing of one of my closest friends? and a school shooting?

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Current Favorites

  • Videogame: Stardew Valley Nintendo Switch
  • Skincare product: Eucrin Moistrizing Lotion
  • Show: Below Deck

Photo Album

  • Image Me
    selfies and outfit checks
  • Image Friends
    fun times with friends and family
  • Image Pretty Nouns
    persons, places, and things
  • Image Mingsum
    Lorem ipsum dipsum


School Videogames Research Crafts Family Art News Friends Friends Mental Heatlh